Project Details
While at:
This is as much as you'll ever get
Each one is hand inked, and meticulously thought out. Every line is accounted for and each thought is boiled and distilled until the joke slash loud-exhale-through-the-nose becomes a well refined discovery. I went to comedy school, no lie, but didn’t pass. I skipped out on punch line 101 a lot, so it’s not your fault if you don’t understand what’s going on in some of these.
I scan these in chunks because I don’t have the cash for a big flat bed. Then I stitch them back together and clean things up in Photoshop. Once they are stitched back together, so begins the laborious process of colouring. At the end of it all, I put on an orange colour layer on each of these to mix all the colours into an even tone. I like orange and you can’t tell me what to do.