

Playtex Tampons

Five years of tampons or one really long period. I’ve got a bunch of different pieces under my belt. I’m featuring a few programs and some SDM elements. I also made a big poster for schools teaching young girls how to properly use a tampon. Maybe a life goal, maybe not.



The Tampedo

One day while being funny, I Photoshop’d a tampon shooting out of a submerged submarine and called it the tampedo. This was up on the wall for a bit. We also decorated a coworkers cubicle by hanging tampons around it while he was away on vacation. His own little absorbent paradise.

Project Details

Client: Playtex

While at: 6degrees

Date: 2013 - 2015

A few complex displays were built with some bonus Revlon boxes attached to the tops of the products. We had a nice little window to design around so the bonus Revlon was visible inside.
I also put together some of the Fresh Balance displays and sell sheets, various product offer pages, shelf flags, and even a cool direct mailer for SDM. I know more then I should about tampons and have no issues picking them up at the store.

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